Emoji King Jeremy Burge & Picking the right VPN
The Unicode Consortium just released 69 new emoji and how to pick the right VPN. http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2017/04/dts_20170421.mp3
The Unicode Consortium just released 69 new emoji and how to pick the right VPN. http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2017/04/dts_20170421.mp3
What is Quantum computing and why should you care? Plus what does the latest Wikileaks dump reveal about the CIA's ability to hack everyday devices.
The Screen Producers Association would like to force Netflix to commission local content and what is Wikileaks up to with this latest data dump?
The Social Index claims it will use your social media profiles to get you a job, Google's new Pixel phone and Facebook launches a marketplace.
Podcasts are more popular than ever so why are all of the apps rubbish? And Twitter has banned Milo Yiannopoulos but is Twitter doing enough to deal with trolls?
http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2016/02/dts_20160219.mp3 The FBI wants Apple to build them a back door into iPhones and what are the ethics of online shaming? Plus meet Divvy, it's AirBnb for parking spots.…
How and why Netflix is planning to block VPN users and is Peach the next big social network?